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Dear Friends,

Thank you for your interest and for spending time with us. The McPherson Network is proud to offer you a unique opportunity to go into business for yourself and give you the vehicle and the flexibility to make MORE money and have MORE time with your family and friends!

There are thousands of men and women, just like you, from all walks of life - from stay-at-home moms to small business owners and professionals who are tired of the corporate rat race - who are on the road to financial independence with The McPherson Network; Why not you?

Today's headlines spell out a clear message: the world needs hope now more than ever. Look around you at the world we live in every day. The sad truth is that more companies are closing their doors, more families are declaring bankruptcy than ever before, more jobs are being sent overseas and more people are forced to put their jobs above their families.

At The McPherson Network, we drew a line in the sand! Hardworking men and women simply should not be forced to trade their time for money. We founded The McPherson Network on the philosophy that people should be able to put themselves and their families at the TOP of their priority list, not at the bottom. This is the philosophy that guides us every day.

With our help, men and women just like you are eliminating debt, investing for the future, quitting their jobs and becoming successful entrepreneurs. The McPherson Network was built for people who want to make their dreams come true. We're looking for men and women who are tired of just getting by and fed up with being average and ordinary. We're looking for people who want to do something special with their lives and are willing to work for it.

The McPherson Network empowers you to create the life you dream of for yourself and your loved ones by offering a business opportunity that pays you what you're worth. As an McPherson Network Affiliate, you'll be paid well; you'll be paid daily; and you'll be paid infinitely! That is what being a part of The McPherson Network lifestyle is all about.

We believe that NOW is the time to take control of your own destiny and to call your own shots. Investing in yourself and your loved ones is the surest investment you can make, and we're here to make that possible. And we can't wait for you to be a part of it! Never again will you be able to say that you never had a chance to do something special in your life!

All of us here at The McPherson Network are proud and excited to welcome you to the team!


Steven M McPherson
President & CEO